GSK Consumer Healthcare Panadol
GSK local manufacturing sites supply Egyptians with a variety of high-quality liquid, solid and semi-solid healthcare products; these include topical, oral suspensions, vials, tablets, capsules and suppositories.
Panadol is a registered trademark of GSK. It is the global market leader in paracetamol-based analgesics produced at world-class quality standards at an Egyptian government owned-manufacturing site since 2011.
The Challenge
COVID-19 has affected every aspect of our health and well-being. The pandemic has severely challenged and altered healthcare systems across the globe. With the Ministry of Health’s recent approval of Panadol as part of COVID-19 treatment protocol caused an unprecedented increase of demand for it. While there has been shortage of the product in the market, few media outlets highlighted on that in a way that defames the Panadol and ultimately the GSK brand.
The Approach
MEAComS had to handle that situation communicating the right messaging highlighting all the client’s efforts to proactively plan, in full collaboration with the Egyptian Drug Authority (EDA), to increase the production capacity by more than 20%, with further plans for additional increases to meet the surge in consumer demand during COVID-19.
A statement was developed and sent to specific publications that have concerns about the company production. The main goal was to clarify the issue and to confirm that the key priority to GSK is to ensure constant access to their products in Egyptian pharmacies and stores.
The Results
- MEAComS succeeded in reaching those who spoke about the production issue to clarify GSK Consumer Healthcare activities in Egypt and to share this clarification in their publications.
- 32 pieces of coverage have been received during this period; 18 online pieces, and 14 social media pieces.
- The Egyptian media highlighted that 90% of all GSK products that are being sold in Egyptian pharmacies and stores are produced in Egypt.
- The Egyptian media highlighted the investments in the last two years which reached EGP 100m in the Egyptian economy by launching state-of-the-art production lines for other range GSK of products like; Otrivin and Voltaren