A1: As experts in crisis management, we work around the clock to make sure you are getting what you need when you need it and that potential crises are managed and contained.

Prevention is priceless, and so our approach to crisis management starts with preparation. We work with you to listen to what your customers, clients, advocates and detractors are saying in order to help you spot and fix an issue before it makes headlines.

Crisis management for banks has become a critical constituent to strategic thinking of the future following the financial crisis. In that sense, we work with senior management to develop a crisis communication plan around potential issues, conduct media training sessions before addressing journalists, prepare responses and position pieces to put you ahead of the news, and select pertinent channels of communication.

Our team uses a variety of channels and approaches to effectively help promoting products, issues and services associated with

A2: Our brand building expertise is a sacred discipline activated in order to launch, redefine, strengthen and build brands.
We assume a customized, research-based approach to understand our clients, their competitors and industry, to enable a fully-fledged incorporation into their customers, employees and stakeholder’s perceptions. In an increasingly competitive market, many companies find this a necessity for growth, especially sectors that work with or are related to Information Technology.
To help change perceptions and reinvigorate brands, our team has an entrenched understanding of various industries, while working with social influencers to reach major media and forward thinking consumers.
We also work to identify your company’s greatest assets, while developing special programs and key messages that increase word of mouth and brand equity.
We use multiple channels to renovate your business into that of a trendsetter and a go to symbol for consumers and the media alike.

A3: In today’s world, we know that investor relations can no longer be managed behind closed doors, as investors, employees, customers and the media all influence one another. Investor relations are an important function of brand building. The exact notion can be applied to governments and transparency with their respective citizens and stakeholders.
It has become increasingly important to inform citizens of the projects and undertakings that the government is involved in, in order to develop a healthy dialogue between citizen and state and build on the pillars of democracy. This holds true for communication with stakeholders, in both the content communicated to them, and more importantly how it’s communicated.
We work to implement an integrated approach that encourages communications, bridging the gap between corporate or governmental strategies and stakeholders. Our team has experience managing all aspects of communications surrounding government events, including how and when to communicate relevant information to their respective associates.

A4: Navigating the pharmaceutical field for example, has become increasingly complex, but our extensive experience in healthcare has substantiated our practice in doing just that.
With expertise handling product alignment with social causes and medial initiatives, in addition to allying your company with relevant stakeholders and government bodies, we can help you launch a new drug therapy or bring an existing therapy to a new market.
Through fostering long-term relationships with professional groups, we can help you manage products and brands throughout their full life cycle, in effect helping you promote the company interests. 

A5: Our marketing expertise spans through a wide range of industries, including banking, IT, oil and gas, and pharmaceuticals. However, the beauty of social media lies in its fluidity in adapting to various domains, from culture and fashion to electronic gadgets.
We know that increased exposure does not come from a short-lived ad campaigns or media stunt, but instead sprouts from giving customers a profound experience with your brand and products over time.
Having said that, everything that we do is based on research about your customers –- how they think, what they like, where they go. This knowledge helps us raise awareness about our clients’ products and objectives, develop integrated campaigns, and inform customers about product value while connecting them to the brand in meaningful ways. We manage this daily through while meticulously measuring our clients’ success and exposure.
We also help you manage your brand’s image online through news and updates, in addition to social media response to prevent any negative news from going viral.