GSK Consumer Healthcare Voltaren Emulgel Inauguration
GSK local manufacturing sites supply Egyptians with a variety of high-quality liquid, solid and semi-solid healthcare products; these include topicals, oral suspensions, vials, tablets, capsules and suppositories
GSK Consumer healthcare has a history of partnering with Egypt, and this was further exemplified by the inauguration of the Voltaren Emulgel production line in Giza in June 2019. MEAComS took this opportunity to present GSK as the driving force for British investment in the Egyptian healthcare sector.
The Challenge
- Identifying select healthcare and investment journalists; developing press kit material, coordinating simultaneous translation and positioning the event for target audiences
- Providing media training for GSK Consumer Healthcare.
- Inviting the Minister of Investment and International Cooperation Sahar Nasr, the British Ambassador to Egypt Sir Geoffrey Adams, the General Manager GSK Consumer North Africa Mr. Nabil Besri to meet with key media outlets to; ensuring an environment of healthy information exchange
- Leading, managing and arranging all event plans and logistics; keeping GSK’s transformation of the Al Giza and Al Salam manufacturing sites front and center of everybody’s mind
The Approach
More than 144 newspaper and magazine clippings were analysed in the days following the event that had the opportunity of reaching over 216.5 million people, equivalent to LE2 million in editorial coverage. The percentage of online outlets covering the event reached 89%, compared to 11% for print.
The following topics received the corresponding coverage:
- General Information about GSK Consumer Healthcare and the participants in the event, 27%
- New Egyptian-British Investments worth EGP 100 million in the field of healthcare in Egypt, 25%
- The participation of the Minister of Investment Dr Sahar Nasr and the British Ambassador in Cairo Mr Jeffrey Adams and their statements during the opening, 24%
- The inauguration of the Voltaren Emulgel Production line, 20%
- Information on healthcare and its importance to the Egyptian people, 4%.
The Results
The results of the media analysis show substantial positive coverage about the event by 98%, as opposed to 2% for neutral news about the opening. Coverage of Egyptian needs for GSK Consumer Healthcare products reached 31%; applauding the success of British investments in Egypt was 29%; news that more than 350 job opportunities were created reached 19%; reference to parts from the speech by the head of GSK Consumer Healthcare on its role in providing the best products in the Egyptian market was 12%; applauding Glaxo’s success in healthcare worldwide was 5%; and improving the daily health life of the Egyptian people was 4%.
MEAComS offered recommendations based on the event outcomes, to leverage media momentum as well as the swell of support from the state to implement comprehensive health insurance. We also advised on continuing public dissemination around the concept of consumer health, and the role of the company in improving consumer health in Egypt.